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Missouri A+ Program

A+ Certification Checklist

Frequently asked questions about the A+ program can be found here!

Step 1: Complete the A+ Application and turn it in, signed, to Mrs. Stark in the Counselling office.
Step 2: View the A+ Training Session & complete the A+ Agreement
Step 3: Find ways (covered in the Training Session) to begin obtaining your 50 A+ tutoring hours. See characteristics of a good tutor here.
Step 4: *Print the A+ Tutoring Time Sheet and record all hours spent A+ student tutoring.
Step 5: Seniors ONLY: Check out your final steps to ensure certification in the A+ program here.

*The A+ Tutoring Timesheet (legible, filled out completely and signed by an LPS employee) will be the ONLY method of submitting tutoring hours. The forms can be found by clicking on the link above.

The A+ program requires a ¹95% or better attendance rate. It also requires that students maintain a record of good citizenship and avoid the unlawful use of drugs and/or alcohol while in grades 9-12. Should you have special circumstances that have affected your attendance and/or citizenship, please be sure to file an A+ Attendance/Citizenship Appeal by April 15th of your Senior year. Appeals DO require accompanying documentation and will be approved or denied by an Appeals committee.

¹Attendance requirements for the A+ program are set by the Missouri Department of Higher Education. Attendance appeals to be considered include absences due to catastrophic illness or catastrophic family events. Please note that absences due to common illness (ie. colds, ear infections, strep throat) and orthodontic/dental appointments cannot be considered. Extenuating circumstances (diagnosed pneumonia, diagnosed influenza or COVID, oral surgery, etc.), may be appealed with accompanying medical documentation indicating the extenuating circumstance and specific dates/times the student was affected. Homebound students are still eligible for A+ with accompanying documentation. 

Citizenship Component

Expectation – Liberty North High School A+ participants are expected to be good citizens at school and in the community. A student pursuing the A+ incentive must avoid the unlawful use of drugs/alcohol. An A+ student will not sell, possess or use any controlled substance, alcohol or drug paraphernalia as defined by law and stated in the Code of Conduct. The use of prescription medicine is allowed under Board policy and established guidelines. Students and parents are responsible for understanding and following those guidelines.  Students who violate the district’s drug, alcohol and substance abuse policy during the contract time will automatically forfeit A+ tuition reimbursement status.
  • Students who sign a contract for A+ tuition reimbursement status are to maintain good citizenship during the contract period. Good citizenship is defined under the Liberty North High School Student Code of Conduct. Students making A+ application will be subject to the discipline policy and procedures of the Liberty School District. (Special cases outside the contract time involving serious violations will be subject to review).
Violations of the district’s student discipline policy will be reviewed by the principal/vice-principal and designated committee each semester using the following:
  • Any violation committed by a student under contract, which involves an out-of-school suspension, may be reviewed.
  • Any violations repeatedly committed by a student under contract, which involves poor behavior, disrespect, profanity, dishonesty, etc. may be reviewed.
  • Any student under contract who receives two (2) in-school suspensions in one (1) year may be reviewed.
Upon review of each individual case, the principal and committee will respond in one of two (2) ways:
A warning statement will be issued to the student’s parent/guardian placing that student on probation for the next semester at which time no additional referrals can occur.
Notify the student’s parents/guardians that the student has been removed from the A+ tuition reimbursement program.


All students wishing to participate in the A+ program must submit a completed A+ participation agreement. If the coordinator determines that a student who has submitted a participation agreement has violated the terms of that agreement or district policies or procedures regarding A+ participation, the coordinator will notify the student in writing and may put the student on probation or expel the student from the program.
Students may, for good cause, appeal their dismissal. Students/Parents will have 30 days after notification to appeal a decision that is made dealing with citizenship. A written appeal must be submitted to the A+ school coordinator. The coordinator will convene the A+ appeals committee, made up of:
  • The A+ student’s guidance counselor
  • The high school principal or vice-principal
  • Two (2) high school teachers
The student or the student's parents/guardians may appeal expulsions from this program, in accordance with written district procedures, to the Board of Education or to a committee of Board members appointed by the president of the Board and given the authority to act for the Board. The Board or the Board's committee will hear the student's appeal in closed session and will notify the student of its decision.

A+ Program Contacts


lps aplus


Dr. Lee Allen:  A+  Coordinator 816.736.5519

Ms. Gail Stark:  A+ Administrative Assistant, 816.736.5537